Curriculum Committee
Maureen Balaam, Chair
Karen Elder
Reta Lindstrom
John Markham
Tess Chedsey, Secretary
Elizabeth Hayes
Rosa Mann
John Ryan

The Curriculum Committee plans appropriate courses for each program term to support and advance the educational goals of ENCORE.

How exactly is that task accomplished? How does an idea become a class?

Ideas for classes come from individual ENCORE members, committee members and potential instructors. To make a request or propose a class, please submit a Class Proposal Form. This form can also be obtained from Curriculum Committee members. These forms are used by potential instructors to submit ideas to the Curriculum Committee. Class proposals are submitted via email to a committee member. Proposals can be for fall, winter or spring terms. Some classes are ongoing for more than one term; Science Exchange is an example.

After review of the proposals by the Curriculum Committee, the process of scheduling days, times, and venues is begun. Instructors’ preferences are considered and an effort is made to meet their requests.

Anyone interested in presenting a class is urged to submit a proposal or to contact a Committee member.

The Curriculum Committee meets at 1:00 p.m. on the second Monday of every month in the Senior Center.

Persons who wish to make a presentation to the Curriculum Committee need to contact the chairperson or secretary with a request to get their concern on the agenda. The petitioner will be first on the agenda. The petitioner will not be able to participate in the discussion or ask questions pertaining to any other agenda item, unless he/she is requested by the committee’s chair to speak.

ENCORE has presented many interesting courses over the years. Listings you may be interested in can be found here and here.