Communication – the Words and the Elements Behind them

We all think communication should be easy and it is the most important and difficult activity we humans face daily.

Exploring various communication methods, we will look at the pieces that create successful communication and what is happening in the background. Humans complicate most things they do, so our goal will be to simplify and weed out unnecessary elements to create more freedom and effective results.

Words. Application of Words. Sensitivity to Other Person/Persons. Knowing what is behind your own communication. Listening = Deep Listening. Not getting distracted by the other’s tone or words. Keep the conversation on one track, no diversions. Resolution or Schedule. Instructor: Maureen Baalem

This class will follow an information and discussion format.

Fridays 10 am to 12 noon. Six weeks: October 4, 11, 18, 25; November 1, 8.

Managing Change

What changes are occurring in your life? What changes are on the horizon? Recently retired? Long retired and in a rut? Have you lost a loved one and are facing the many changes in your daily life that the loss brings? Are you downsizing? Want to make change, but don’t know how?

We will discuss why people seem to be naturally resistant to change and what to do about that. This four-session program will provide information and a process to deal positively with change. We will discuss how to develop and implement a plan to manage change.

The class consists of four two-hour sessions beginning Friday, October 4th with each session from 2 to 4 pm in the Senior Center.
Instructor: Elizabeth Hayes

Financing for Seniors

Instructor:  Willow Oelke, et al, from the Community
Engagement Department of Wauna Federal Credit Union

“The Psychology of Spending”:  Money decisions aren’t just about numbers and logic - they’re also driven by emotions. Those feelings can have a big impact on your finances! By digging into the emotions behind your choices, you can start making smarter, more productive financial decisions.
(October 2)

“Fraud Free & Fabulous: Workshop for Wise Seniors”:  A lively workshop designed for wise seniors who want to outsmart scammers and keep their finances safe. We'll dive into the latest tricks fraudsters use and arm you with tools to spot them and stop them! Get ready to stay sharp, secure and fabulous while protecting what's yours! (October 9)

“Golden Years, Golden Budget: Stretching Your Retirement Dollars”:  Ready to make your retirement dollars stretch and still have fun? Join our upbeat budget workshop for seniors in their retirement years! We'll explore smart, savvy ways to keep your finances in check while enjoying your well-deserved golden years. Whether it’s planning for surprises or making the most of a fixed income, we'll turn budgeting into a breeze! (October 16)

Three Wednesday sessions will be held in the classroom in the
Senior Center. 11:00 am to 12:45 pm October 2, 9, 16.

Good for You Nutrition 101

One session, Wednesday October 30 from 1:00 to 2:00 pm at the Natural Grocers in Warrenton’s Young Plaza (backroom). Instructor: Korinne Erikson, Nutritional Health Coach. Learn to live a healthier life through eating right and enjoying it.

Earthquakes and Tsunamis
How to Prepare to Survive
In this 8-week course, we will:
– Learn about earthquakes and tsunamis and how they can affect our region, the “Ring of Fire” and its association with earthquakes and volcanoes, and what is the difference between plate boundaries, faults and fissures.
– We will learn about what to do:
a) Before - preparation before is a form of insurance
b) During - location, location, location
c) After - What do I do now?
– We will work on building individualized “TO GO” bags, escape routes, and family planning.
Join us beginning Thursday October 3rd at 11:00 am until 12:45 pm in the Astoria Senior Center . . . Sorensen Dining Room.
Instructor: Karen Elder.
Two-Day-Wonder Classes

These classes are structured to be in-class one day and in-the-field for day two.

The first class is planned for fall and will feature the Fire Department (from Clatsop County). The in-class day will be to enlighten us about everything the firefighters do for us that do not necessarily involve fighting fires. The field trip will be to a fire station to get a first-hand look at someplace most of have never been. Stay tuned for more information on this two-day-wonder, and for more fun and interesting two-day treats for the mind to be announced in the coming months.

All two-day-wonder classes will be announced via email and posted here before the event occurs, so stay tuned for all upcoming events.

ENCORE Writing Exchange Short Course

Awaken the Writer Within You!

Share your memoir, short story, poem, or novel chapter
and receive kind, constructive feedback.

If you prefer, sharing of your writing and its constructive feedback can be recorded into audio and/or video format for later review by you.

This Zoom short course meets on Tuesdays from 9:45 to 11:45 am
year-round, including the summer months.

For more information: please email the instructor, Eric Anderson,
at or call (503) 325-3131.

Humanist Discussions

Humanist Discussions is a group effort on Zoom in which we explore various aspects of the human condition. Each week we nominate and select a topic to discuss the following week. Over the intervening week, we exchange websites and articles pertaining to the topic selected. There is no requirement to review them, but the discussion is much improved when members of the group have made an effort to inform themselves about the upcoming topic. All are welcome to join.

Discussions are held Monday mornings from 10:00 to noon year-round, including the summer months. To join, send an email to with “Humanist Discussions” in the title of your email please.


Some Recent ENCORE Course Titles
Critical Reasoning Promise of Pragmatism Aging Gracefully Yoga
Writing Exchange Fauna of the Pacific Coast The US Constitution
Women’s Heart Health Exploring Computers Humanist Discussion
All Around the Universe Everything Equine All About Making Pies
The Other Slavery Our Local Seafood Industry What’s in the News?
Literary Sharing Philosophical Questions Birds of Clatsop County
Ceramics Cooking for 1 or 2, Part Deuz Comparative Literature
Philosophy with Seth Tichenor Science Exchange German History
Global Warming and the Economy Confucius: Learning to be a Sage
The Aging Brain Shading and Coloring with Pencils Contra Dancing
Mediterranean Peoples and Places Retirement: A Time to be T.I.D.Y
Senior Stitchery Investments for a Changing World Reading Aloud
Downloading Photos Crochet…It Starts with a Chain Dendrology
Pop-Up Series Forest Perspectives in Oregon Bridge Instruction
AARP Smart Driving Course Hand Embroidery Stretchyo (Yoga)
Terrorism Road Scholar The New Testament as a Historical Text
Justice & Violence: Broken Treaties & Promises Watercolor Painting
Talking About Writing Pope Francis: On Care for Our Common Home
Books: Ireland’s Potato Famine 1845-1851 A Canticle for Leibowitz
Woman Hollering Creek Running Eagle the Warrior Girl Folk Dance
Foundations of Buddhism Where in the World Have You Been?
The Mediterranean Region: 2000 BCE to 500 CE Building Websites
Object Drawing Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain Logging
Logic All Things Chinese Art and Politics of the Documentary

Scroll down  Other listings can be found here and here.