Elfi Gross, Sunshine
Charlotte Thiringer
Marcia Arnold
Susan Wells
Aletha Westerberg
The Membership Committee is tasked with recruitment and retention of members. It also plans social activities that are not considered “classes”.
Social activities may include a Holiday “Bash”, a summer picnic, and monthly “Lunch Bunch” get-togethers at local restaurants. The Membership Committee also publishes a quarterly Class Act Newsletter which is mailed to all members and can also be read on this website.
Annual dues are $50 per person due in September. If you are interested in joining, fill out and submit the membership form.
The Membership Committee recruits new members and provides opportunities for the surrounding community to learn about ENCORE. The committee works with the media [newspapers, flyers, radio stations] and Clatsop Community College in these efforts. It provides speakers to explain ENCORE to interested groups. The committee plans entertainment and refreshments for social events and the annual membership meeting.
Publicity – The responsibilities for publicity include writing and submitting news articles and public service announcements to area newspapers and weekly and monthly flyers. This includes quarterly announcements of class schedules, annual membership meeting, and other activities that may be of interest to the general public. Publicity also submits information about the Lunch Bunch to “community briefs” in the daily papers and radio stations.
Newsletter Editor – Tess Chedsey. Writes and produces the Class Act, ENCORE’s quarterly newsletter. The newsletter includes news of upcoming events, information the Board would like included and other features the editor deems appropriate. Officers, committee chairpersons and others may be asked to write for the publication. Class Act is published and mailed to members in early September, December, March, and June.
Sunshine – Elfi Gross. The person to notify if a card, letter, or other form of contact is required or desired for a birthday, anniversary, illness, death or any other reason. The Sunshine Person can function only if notified.
Historian – Elfi Gross. Collects and organizes all information, photos, and other materials about ENCORE and relevant to ENCORE and its members. Members are encouraged to submit photos and other items to the historian.
Lunch Bunch Coordinators – Sue Korpela and Bernie Thomas. Arrange the locations for each month’s lunch gathering for members who enjoy eating lunch together. Lunch Bunch traditionally meets the first Friday of each month at 12:00 at a designated restaurant.
The Membership Committee meets at 1 p.m. on the third Monday of the month in the Astoria Senior Center.