Maureen Balaam – Unrecognized Astorians
Eric Wheeler – Iran, Armenia, Georgia, and Astoria
Ed Joyce – Oregon Coast & Columbia River Estuary
Eric Anderson – Writing Exchange
Tod Lundy – Humanist Discussions
by Seth Tichenor
Fridays 10 am to 12 noon in the ASC Class Room
for 11 weeks (January 10 thru March 21)
This course will examine the origins, ideas, evolution, and legacy of philosophy in Europe during the middle ages (approx 400AD -1500AD)
- The origins of the medieval mind and medieval world view
(Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus and others) - Augustine & the emerging Christian cosmology of late antiquity (Augustine, Hypatia, Proclus)
- The Western Dark Ages (Boethius, Eriugena, Anselm)
- The Rise & Influence of Islamic philosophy & commentary (Avicenna, Al-Ghazzali, Averroes, and one Jewish thinker - Maimonides)
- The High Middle Ages (Realism & Nominalism)
- The aims of Scholastic Thought (Thomas, Scotus, Ockham)
- Mysticism in the late Middle Ages
(Hildegard of Bingen, Nicolas Cusanus, Meister Eckhart) - The legacy of medieval thought
by Maureen Balaam with honored guests
Fridays 2 pm to 4 pm in the ASC Class Room
for 4 weeks (January 10 thru January 31)
Guest speakers will share the history and culture of the population they represent and the contributions made to our area that we may not understand or recognize. The last class will pull these contributions and benefits together and allow participants to acknowledge this learning.
- A representative of the Chinook Nation will discuss the history of recognition, language preservation and the meaning of Chinook art.
- Ron Craig will present on York, the Black slave who accompanied Lewis and Clark to the PNW and other local Black history.
- OFFSITE CLASS REQUIRES PRE-REGISTRATION ( Meeting off-site at the Heritage Museum where Liisa Penner and staff will discuss the following populations who were treated harshly in the early days: East Indians, Chinese, and the Paupers. Viewing of the museum included at no charge. Instruction about using the Museum as a resource also included.
- Discussion about the cultures above and how we understand them now? How have they influenced and benefited our lives? How can we be accepting of others and learn from them/share with them?
If you are interested in this class, please
email Maureen:
with Eric Wheeler
Eric Wheeler is an architectural historian based in Astoria who designs and leads architectural walking tours in Astoria and Portland. With a background in real estate appraisal, Eric found a calling in architectural history in his 60s while living in western Wisconsin. His move to the Pacific Northwest was sparked by his interest in exploring the architectural heritage of Portland and surrounding communities. Eric writes a monthly column on area architecture for Hipfish magazine and leads tours and presents programs in Astoria for the Lower Columbia Preservation Society, where he is involved as an LCPS Board member.
Monday, January 13 -10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
A tale of three countries: Iran, Armenia and Georgia
I recently returned from a three week trip focused on the social and cultural traditions of these volatile and fascinating countries. This narrated PowerPoint presentation highlights the architectural landscape of Tehran, Yerevan and Tbilisi.
Monday, January 20 -10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Three years of the Architect Hound
For the past three years I have written a short monthly column about buildings of historic and architectural significance in the Lower Columbia region. This PowerPoint presentation will feature ‘then and now&rsqwuo; images of the highlighted properties taken from the magazine articles.
Monday, January 27 - 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM
Look up!: A walking tour of historic downtown AstoriaWeather permitting,
We will have a short architectural walking tour of Commercial Street in Astoria ending up at the Liberty Theatre for a guided interior tour of the building.
Oceanography and Columbia River Estuary
Lectures by Ed Joyce
Mondays 2:30 pm to 3:30 pm in the ASC Class Room
for 3 weeks (February 10, 17, and 24)
- An introduction to Oregon coastal geology, plate tectonics and the major tectonic events impacting the Oregon coast.
- A look at Oregon coastal geomorphology and oceanography. Topics covered will include: oceanographic impacts on beach geometry, sediment transport, beach stabilization efforts and offshore wind technology.
- An overview of the Columbia River Estuary focusing on interactions with the open ocean and the impact of logging, flood plain removal and upriver dams on the health of the estuary.
Please email the instructor if you plan to attend
this lecture series:
Awaken the Writer Within You!
Share your memoir, short story, poem, or novel chapter
and receive kind, constructive feedback.
If you prefer, sharing of your writing and its constructive feedback can be recorded into audio and/or video
format for later review by you.
This Zoom short course meets on Tuesdays from 9:45 to
11:45 am year-round, including the summer months.
For more information: email the instructor, Eric Anderson,
at or call (503) 325-3131.
Humanist Discussions is a group effort on Zoom in which we explore various aspects of the human condition. Each week we nominate and select a topic to discuss the following week. Over the intervening week, we exchange websites and articles pertaining to the topic selected. There is no requirement to review them, but the discussion is much improved when members of the group have made an effort to inform themselves about the upcoming topic. All are welcome to join.
Discussions are held Monday mornings from 10:00 to noon year-round, including the summer months. To join, send an email to with “Humanist Discussions” in the title of your email please.